―― Do you know the meaning of the "ROCK"? Generally, it is one of the musical kinds. But, It has the meaning "it is great", "it matches well", and "it is reliable" too. And I interpret the "ROCK" in those senses. So, I love "ROCK". ――

Name : Yuta Yoshikawa
Age : 20
Hobby : fishing, web programing, to wear cool dress

Hello. I'm Yuta Yoshikawa who made this website "I LOVE ROCK". Thank you for seeing this website. This is a website which introduces an individual fashion. I learned making a website at the university and wished to make a website with a motion. So, I make this site as training. I devised and attached the motion. Please enjoy a motion and the contents!

Let's see a right graph! That is my status that what I like in fashion. In order to know what kind of person I am, please refer to it.

By the way, I have appeared in the Japanese fashion magazine " Men's Knuckle". Please look for me, if there is an opportunity.