about Moe

    about Moe

    Moe implies feelings of desire and passion and emotional attachment.

    It doesn't mean necessarily romantic feelings.

    The target isn't only people,but also includes anime characters.

    Please click the menu buttons to explore about the "Moe" world.



    The word Moe,first became popular from around the late 1980s to the 1990s in Japan.

    First,it was used as an expression referring to beautiful young girls. But, later on the meaning deepened.

    Due to popular drama, Akiba(Akihabara) culture has been attracting increasing attention since 2004.

    How to use

    How to use

    "Moe" was originally a verb.

    However, it is also used as a noun recently.

    In addition it has recently been used as an adjective, referring to Moe-like qualities.



    The opposite of "Moe" is "Nae".

    Nae comes from the word "Naeru",which means to feel dissatisfied or down because of the situation.

    For example, it you take an exam and don't do very well,you will be "naeta",for a while.


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