

We should never forget.
This is the heart of Japan which should be inherited.

We will send the true heart of Japan to you.

Do you know Japanese furoshikis?

Japanese furoshikis have been used for over a thousand years to carry and wraps things. The shape is usually square, and the material is a traditional Japanese design and color.

Wagokoro is a Furoshiki home delivery site. Use us to express your feelings to someone special. All gifts wrapped in traditional Japanese Furoshiki.

Let's not forget the meaning behind Japan's wonderful culture.

We think about the heart of Japan which should be inherited. By embracing Japan's traditions and culture,We hope to make many people happy.

Gifts are to convey gratitude and thanks. Gifts are traditionally sent twice during the year, during the Bon Festival in summer, and at the end of the year.

When was the last time you sent someone special a gift ? Sent them your heart-felt feeling.

Transmit feelings. You can easily say "Thank you (arigatou)"with a gift.

In Japan, when you give a person a present, you often say "It's only a small present". It's a way of speaking to show one's deference to another person.It's Japanese humility.

We should remember this feelings.

The Japanese word mottainai is gaining popularity around the world. Mottainai comes from wanting to cherish things. This is part of the Japanese heart.